Package mbdyn :: Package bindings :: Module forces
[hide private]

Module forces

source code

The classes implemented in the force group. This module introduces an interface between the instances from the swigModule and the forces available for the user. For example for setting the value of a force, a numpy array is provided and the C++ vector object, Vec3, is filled by the method.

The two MBDyn extensions are BindingsForce and BindingsCouple that can set their value at each time step. They are however supposed to be managed by the mbdyn.elts.force module.

All the classes are contained into FORCE_CLASS, then used by mbdyn.bindings.groups.

Classes [hide private]
The communication with the MBDyn structural force.
The conservative force of MBDyn.
A MBDyn conservative force on which the value can be set at every time step.
The MBDyn conservative couple
A MBDyn conservative couple on which a value can be set at each time step.
Variables [hide private]
  FORCE_CLASS = {'bindings_couple': <class mbdyn.bindings.forces...
Variables Details [hide private]

