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. The goal is to select the attributes to
save when pickling that object in a file. This object had to be
developed, instead of using the default Python mechanism, because some of
the attributes could not be pickled (like references to function or
attributes from third part libraries -vtk, gtk-)
para dictionary. The keywords 'own' refers to the objects
that can directly be pickled on the object ('self'). Others keywords may
refer to others objects that will also have to collect their own para
para is a ParametersToSave instance. The
para received is loaded from a pickled file. Just the owned
parameter names are set in that method, but para is a
dictionary that can have others keys related to children.
para dictionary. For
that object, just call collect_own_parameters but this
method is tuned for many objects that need to call
collect_parameters on some attributes
para dictionary. The
same description as collect_parameters can be applied, instead that method
is used for retrieving the object status.
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