Package windSimSuite :: Package interface :: Module matplotlib_manager :: Class Figure
[hide private]

Class Figure

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matplotlib.artist.Artist --+    
    matplotlib.figure.Figure --+

A Matplotlib figure able to carry a tab name for the notebook.

Instance Methods [hide private]
figsize is a w,h tuple in inches dpi is dots per inch subplotpars is a SubplotParams instance, defaults to rc
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Inherited from matplotlib.figure.Figure: add_axes, add_axobserver, add_subplot, autofmt_xdate, clear, clf, colorbar, delaxes, draw, draw_artist, figimage, gca, get_axes, get_children, get_dpi, get_edgecolor, get_facecolor, get_figheight, get_figwidth, get_frameon, get_size_inches, get_window_extent, hold, legend, pick, savefig, sca, set_canvas, set_dpi, set_edgecolor, set_facecolor, set_figheight, set_figsize_inches, set_figwidth, set_frameon, set_size_inches, subplots_adjust, text

Inherited from matplotlib.figure.Figure (private): _make_key, _set_artist_props

Inherited from matplotlib.artist.Artist: add_callback, convert_xunits, convert_yunits, get_alpha, get_animated, get_clip_box, get_clip_on, get_clip_path, get_figure, get_label, get_picker, get_transform, get_visible, get_zorder, have_units, is_figure_set, is_transform_set, pchanged, pickable, remove_callback, set, set_alpha, set_animated, set_axes, set_clip_box, set_clip_on, set_clip_path, set_figure, set_label, set_lod, set_picker, set_transform, set_visible, set_zorder, update, update_from

Inherited from matplotlib.artist.Artist (private): _set_gc_clip

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from matplotlib.artist.Artist: aname, zorder

Method Details [hide private]


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figsize is a w,h tuple in inches dpi is dots per inch subplotpars is a SubplotParams instance, defaults to rc
Overrides: matplotlib.figure.Figure.__init__
(inherited documentation)