Package windSimSuite :: Package models :: Module nrel :: Class FakeTorque
[hide private]

Class FakeTorque

source code

mbdyn.record.RecordBase --+                            
        mbdyn.record.Record --+                        
       mbdyn.common.BasicObject --+                    
  mbdyn.elements_base.CommonElement --+                
    mbdyn.elements_base.ElementWithNode --+            
              mbdyn.elts.force.GeneralForce --+        
                        mbdyn.elts.force.Couple --+    
                    mbdyn.elts.force.BindingsCouple --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
A function defined by the user when he inherits from an object having MBDyn bindings.
source code
set_norm(self, norm) source code
set_node(self, node) source code
update(self, simu)
The update of the MBDyn object at each time step.
source code

Inherited from mbdyn.elts.force.BindingsCouple: __init__

Inherited from mbdyn.elts.force.Couple: set_default

Inherited from mbdyn.elts.force.GeneralForce: get_mbdyn_instance, init_results, set_amplitude, set_direction, set_type

Inherited from mbdyn.elements_base.ElementWithNode: attach_to_node, set_node_label, set_relative_from

Inherited from mbdyn.common.BasicObject: get_lines, set_comment, set_label, set_name, set_simulation_ref

Inherited from mbdyn.record.Record: common_init_results, save, set_own_parameters, will_save, will_save_nothing, will_save_only

Inherited from mbdyn.record.Record (private): _save_direct_results, _save_results_with_actions, _try_to_add

Inherited from mbdyn.record.RecordBase: collect_own_parameters, collect_parameters, set_own_para, set_parameters

Inherited from mbdyn.record.RecordBase (private): _collect_own_para

Method Details [hide private]


source code 
A function defined by the user when he inherits from an object having MBDyn bindings.
Overrides: mbdyn.elements_base.CommonElement.do_as_init
(inherited documentation)

update(self, simu)

source code 
The update of the MBDyn object at each time step. Used by the user when he inherits from a Python object having MBDyn bindings.
Overrides: mbdyn.elements_base.CommonElement.update
(inherited documentation)