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>>> wm = WraptMBDyn("input_file") >>> wm.init() >>> node = wm.nodes.structurals[0]
is a reference to the first structural node written
in the input file. Another example:
>>> for node in wm.nodes.structurals: print node.label 1001 1002 1003 >>> node = wm.nodes.structurals.get_from_label(1002)
The groups can be iterated as list. Moreover by knowing the MBDyn label used in the input file, any reference to the C++ instance can be got as a Python object.
The work of the group is also to answer to the convert
method called by Groups, and thus get down from the MBDyn
ItemGroup An element or node group used by MBDyn. |
NodeGroup The top class for all the node group |
Abstracts The "ABSTRACT" node group |
Structurals The "STRUCTURAL" node group |
NodeElectrics The "ELECTRIC" node group |
Parameters The "PARAMETER" node group |
NodeHydraulics The "HYDRAULIC" node group |
ElementGroup The top class for the element group |
Rotors The "ROTOR" element group |
AutomaticStructurals The "AUTOMATICSTRUCTURAL" element group |
Gravities The "GRAVITY" element group |
Bodies The "BODY" element group |
Joints The "JOINT" element group |
Beams The "BEAM" element group |
Plates The "PLATE" element group |
Forces The "FORCE" element group |
ElectricBulks The "ELECTRICBULK" element group |
Electrics The "ELECTRICS" element group |
Hydraulics The "HYDRAULICS" element group |
Bulks The "BULKS" element group |
Loadables The "LOADABLE" element group |
Drivens The "DRIVEN" element group |
Externals The "EXTERNAL" element group |
AirProperties The "AIRPROPERTIES" element group |
Aeromodals The "AEROMODAL" element group |
Aerodynamics The "AERODYNAMIC" element group |
Genels The "GENEL" element group |
SocketStreamOutputs The "SOCKETSTREAM_OUTPUT" element group |
class_name The "SOCKETSTREAM_OUTPUT" element group |
attr =
item_type =
key =
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