Package mbdyn :: Package bindings :: Module groups :: Class Joints
[hide private]

Class Joints

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object --+            
      list --+        
     ItemGroup --+    
      ElementGroup --+

The "JOINT" element group

Instance Methods [hide private]
convert(self, convert_to_group_class)
Convert a element to a joint
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_get_new_type(self, elt)
Return a new joint instance
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_has_specific_type(self, elt)
Test on the SWIG module if there is a function to convert the current general reference to a more specific joint
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Try to get the lowest part of the MBDyn polymorphism, when differents types exist inside the same group.
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Inherited from ElementGroup: __init__

Inherited from ItemGroup: add_item, clean_and_copy, common_conversion, get_from_label

Inherited from list: __add__, __contains__, __delitem__, __delslice__, __eq__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, __getslice__, __gt__, __hash__, __iadd__, __imul__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __mul__, __ne__, __new__, __repr__, __reversed__, __rmul__, __setitem__, __setslice__, append, count, extend, index, insert, pop, remove, reverse, sort

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

convert(self, convert_to_group_class)

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Convert a element to a joint
Overrides: ItemGroup.convert


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Try to get the lowest part of the MBDyn polymorphism, when differents types exist inside the same group. Example: DriveHingeJoint from Joint