Package windSimSuite :: Package interface :: Module main :: Class Simulation
[hide private]

Class Simulation

source code

            main.AerodynamicsSimulation --+    
mbdyn.record.RecordBase --+               |    
                          |               |    
        mbdyn.record.Record --+           |    
                              |           |    
       mbdyn.common.BasicObject --+       |    
                                  |       |    
 mbdyn.preprocessing.SimulationBase --+   |    
                                      |   |    
                  mbdyn.main.Simulation --+    
                            main.Simulation --+

A graphical simulation. Able to deal with the Manager.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
set_scale_table(self, scale_table)
Set the scale table for resizing the VTK mappers
source code
set_frame_step(self, frame_step)
Set the user frame step to play the simulation
source code
display_on(self, gtk_tree)
Display the simulation on the GTK treeview for MBDyn components (reference frames and nodes)
source code
Create the VTK mappers and actors of the simulation.
source code
set_description(self, idx)
Show the simulation at the idx index.
source code
add_actors_to_select(self, vtk_area)
Add the actors that can be selected on the VTK area
source code
set_parameters(self, para)
Create a wind turbine able to deal with graphical libraries
source code
Made the simulation aware of its available results to the interface.
source code

Inherited from main.Simulation: collect_parameters, init, init_unsteady, run, save, save_unsteady_state_at, set_turbine, update

Inherited from main.AerodynamicsSimulation: enable_dynamic_wake, get_velocity_at, get_velocity_at_height, init_aero_unsteady, run_unsteady_at_time, run_unsteady_for, save_unsteady, set_air_density, set_init_time, set_shear_value, set_wind_speed

Inherited from mbdyn.main.Simulation: __repr__, add_element, add_node, add_object, add_reference, append_output, final_action, init_simulation, load_results, run_full, run_with_executable, save_mbdyn, set_integrator, set_wrapt_mbdyn, solve_by_mbdyn_exec, solve_by_wrapt_mbdyn, update_elts

Inherited from mbdyn.main.Simulation (private): _add_item_to_list, _get_mbdyn_instances, _init_wrapt_mbdyn, _set_info_for_loading

Inherited from mbdyn.preprocessing.SimulationBase: add_control_data, clean_dir_simu, clean_dir_tmp, create_dir_simu, create_dir_tmp, keep_mbdyn_files, set_node_numerotation_offset, write

Inherited from mbdyn.preprocessing.SimulationBase (private): _set_labels_and_names

Inherited from mbdyn.common.BasicObject: get_lines, get_mbdyn_instance, set_comment, set_label, set_name, set_simulation_ref

Inherited from mbdyn.record.Record: common_init_results, init_results, set_own_parameters, will_save, will_save_nothing, will_save_only

Inherited from mbdyn.record.Record (private): _save_direct_results, _save_results_with_actions, _try_to_add

Inherited from mbdyn.record.RecordBase: collect_own_parameters, set_own_para

Inherited from mbdyn.record.RecordBase (private): _collect_own_para

Method Details [hide private]


source code 
Overrides: main.Simulation.__init__


source code 
Create the VTK mappers and actors of the simulation. Currently, only the reference frames and nodes exist.

set_description(self, idx)

source code 
Show the simulation at the idx index. The simulation is completely described by the frame index in the results.

set_parameters(self, para)

source code 
Create a wind turbine able to deal with graphical libraries
Overrides: main.Simulation.set_parameters