Package windSimSuite :: Module main :: Class Simulation
[hide private]

Class Simulation

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                 AerodynamicsSimulation --+
mbdyn.record.RecordBase --+               |
                          |               |
        mbdyn.record.Record --+           |
                              |           |
       mbdyn.common.BasicObject --+       |
                                  |       |
 mbdyn.preprocessing.SimulationBase --+   |
                                      |   |
                  mbdyn.main.Simulation --+
Known Subclasses:

A specific simulation for the wind turbine. The gathering between the aerodynamics calculation and MBDyn.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name='mbdyn simu', title='Mbdyn used from Python', keep=False, overwrite=False, mbdyn_coupling=True) source code
set_turbine(self, turbine)
Set the WindTurbine instance
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Init the unsteady BEM code by running it for the 'init_time'
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Initialize the simulation according to WraptMBDyn.
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Init the unsteady code and stabilize the aerodynamics loads.
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The Python objects are getting a reference of the C++ ones.
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Run the full simulation
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Update the wind turbine simulation.
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save_unsteady_state_at(self, time)
Save the unsteady state at a particular time.
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The save method called by WraptMBDyn.
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Collect the simulation parameters into a dictionary
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set_parameters(self, para)
Set the simulation parameters from the para dictionary
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Inherited from AerodynamicsSimulation: enable_dynamic_wake, get_velocity_at, get_velocity_at_height, init_aero_unsteady, run_unsteady_at_time, run_unsteady_for, save_unsteady, set_air_density, set_init_time, set_shear_value, set_wind_speed

Inherited from mbdyn.main.Simulation: __repr__, add_element, add_node, add_object, add_reference, append_output, final_action, init_simulation, load_results, run_full, run_with_executable, save_mbdyn, set_integrator, set_wrapt_mbdyn, solve_by_mbdyn_exec, solve_by_wrapt_mbdyn, update_elts

Inherited from mbdyn.main.Simulation (private): _add_item_to_list, _get_mbdyn_instances, _init_wrapt_mbdyn, _set_info_for_loading

Inherited from mbdyn.preprocessing.SimulationBase: add_control_data, clean_dir_simu, clean_dir_tmp, create_dir_simu, create_dir_tmp, keep_mbdyn_files, set_node_numerotation_offset, write

Inherited from mbdyn.preprocessing.SimulationBase (private): _set_labels_and_names

Inherited from mbdyn.common.BasicObject: get_lines, get_mbdyn_instance, set_comment, set_label, set_name, set_simulation_ref

Inherited from mbdyn.record.Record: common_init_results, init_results, set_own_parameters, will_save, will_save_nothing, will_save_only

Inherited from mbdyn.record.Record (private): _save_direct_results, _save_results_with_actions, _try_to_add

Inherited from mbdyn.record.RecordBase: collect_own_parameters, set_own_para

Inherited from mbdyn.record.RecordBase (private): _collect_own_para

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name='mbdyn simu', title='Mbdyn used from Python', keep=False, overwrite=False, mbdyn_coupling=True)

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Overrides: AerodynamicsSimulation.__init__


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Init the unsteady BEM code by running it for the 'init_time'
Overrides: AerodynamicsSimulation.init_unsteady


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Initialize the simulation according to WraptMBDyn. The Python object get references to the object from the bindings module, interfacing the C++ ones. This method is called by the run_full method of the SimulationBase. It also overwrites the init of the SimulationBase.
Overrides: mbdyn.main.Simulation.init


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Init the unsteady code and stabilize the aerodynamics loads. Then create the wind turbine with MBDyn objects, that take into account the ones from the unsteady BEM code. Then run the MBDyn simulation, first init will be called. Then save and update are called at each MBDyn time step.


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The Python objects are getting a reference of the C++ ones. The results are also initialized.


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Run the full simulation


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Update the wind turbine simulation. Called by the run_full() method at each MBDyn iteration. This method is doing the coupling between MBDyn and the unsteady BEM code. First the state of the wind turbine is updated according to the MBDyn objects that are attached to it. Then the unsteady BEM code is run from this new configuration. Finally the MBDyn elements are updated.
Overrides: mbdyn.main.Simulation.update

save_unsteady_state_at(self, time)

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Save the unsteady state at a particular time. This function is used only when mbdyn_coupling is set to False. Else the time is saved from the MBDyn simulation.
Overrides: AerodynamicsSimulation.save_unsteady_state_at


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The save method called by WraptMBDyn. This method is called before update, because the values are saved just after a successful time step. save_mbdyn will also save the simulation status (by calling the save_results method.


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Collect the simulation parameters into a dictionary
Overrides: mbdyn.main.Simulation.collect_parameters

set_parameters(self, para)

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Set the simulation parameters from the para dictionary
Overrides: mbdyn.main.Simulation.set_parameters